Monday, October 03, 2005

monday blues - no mood - frenzz-

monday blues....malas nak setat buat keja... still ngantuk n cepatler hari sabtu... no mood to work here n no mood to do anything today.............. 1 of d reason..bosannya asik2 kena buat smartcard ni..dr dulu sampai skang...xde semangat dah.. :-(

cuti ujung minggu baru2 ni mengingatkan aku kat kekawan aku... x-schoolmates kat smss n kat kg dulu..bebudak um n sikit2 psl x-ofismates...
azam blk no more fun for my weekend. apsal tah..tetiba rasa bengang sangat ngan 1 of my frenz nih..xyah bgtau sape..yg 'mkn mcD je akan terasa sedapnya'...
never had a frenz like that lah..n rsnya really glad klau x rapat or x kenal lsg dia..a frenz that cannot be trust..a frenz who will stab ur back..huhh..really scary get a frenz like that..
d more i'm thinking of what that frenz do to me..d more i'm angry n bengang ngan dia...
mmg boleh dimaafkan apa yg dia still bengang..y?? that frenz never come to me n ask 4 my apologise..never..y?maybe that frenz never know that i'm already know what s/he do to me..nevermind..time will prove it..maybe esok..sebulan lg...or entahler...
no one knows what will happen..human is just like a human..
rambut pun skang dah x sama kaler..apatah lagi hati memasing...

but..4 the real frenzz i had...really much great n glad to have all of u as my frenzz n thank u 4 all d support n trust 2 me...
really happy got a frenzz like my x-schoolmates n x-um... :-)

yet..i realize..sometimes...not all frenzz like us..some of them may stab our back..but kekawan ni ler kekdg menggembirakan n membengangkan..n wlaupun that frenz really make me bengang..i will be a frenz to that frenz wlaupun dia x suker aku...

n here tribute to all my frenzz..


Like a breeze..
Can't hold it, smell it or even taste it...
Can always feel it..
and alwiz know it's there..
May come or go..
It alwiz be back...

A million thanks 2 all my frenzz.... :-)

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